Digital Literacy

What is digital literacy?

Digital literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilise, share and create content using information and communications technologies.

Digital literacy includes the ability to use communication effectively through reading and writing online or using technology such as computers, smartphones and tablets, but it is also a lot more than that.  Being literate in digital skills also requires users to be knowledgeable in e-safety as well as understanding and respecting cultural and social differences.

With the evolving range of social media, digital literacy skills also include functional skills such as uploading content to a streaming service like YouTube or sharing content on applications like TikTok or Instagram.

Why is digital literacy important?

In the connected online world we live in today, there are some essential digital literacy skills that we need to achieve our goals and live our day-to-day lives.

Digital literacy skills enable us to:

In the connected, online world we live in today, there are some essential digital literacy skills that we need to achieve our goals and live our day-to-day lives.

Communication and etiquette (netiquette) 

Being able to use online systems to communicate with other people


Using online resources to express new ideas


Finding inspiration for new ideas online


Sharing new, creative ideas online with others  on the internet


Doing projects with other people online

Health and Wellbeing

Learning about health and wellbeing online

Manage online identity and online safety

Being mindful of how much information about yourself is online

How can I improve my digital literacy skills?

Digital literacy skills are becoming more and more important in our everyday lives, as well as in school and workplaces.  Here are some useful tips on how to improve your digital literacy skills further:

Which jobs require digital literacy?

More and more jobs now require digital literacy skills.  By developing your digital literacy skills, you are making yourself more employable.  Progress in technology means most roles now require staff to be able to utilise email or virtual meetings when communicating or update business websites or social media accounts.

Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care

Remote irrigation and heating systems used to grow foods, transport flowers/food between countries - inventories, schedules, costings, accounts

Art, Media and Publishing

Online newspapers and magazines, virtual art exhibitions is open to attendees from around the world

Business, Administration and Law

Making use of shared cloud facilities for collaborative working such as SharePoint and Shared Google Drive

Construction and Planning

Making digital plans for construction sites, and learning to use and interpret them digitally.

Education and Training

Using information technology packages to produce school resources, lesson planning, recording attendance, communicating with parents and carers

Health, Public Services and Care

Arranging patient care, updating records

Information Technology

Creating websites, apps, automation processes

Manufacturing and Production

Using online applications to make goods and produce new ideas to be manufactured. 

Sales, Hospitality and Services

Using online booking systems for appointments and reservations, transacting sales, ordering stock

Science, Engineering and Mathematics

Gathering data through online research, and inputting this data into online systems to show/further aid research

Transportation and Warehousing

Using online systems to show where something is being warehoused and using online maps to navigate transport and to find the quickest route. 

Further information

If you would like to find out more about your career options and growth sectors in Aberdeen and Scotland, click here:

Use the links below to find out more about which careers might be right for you:

North East Scotland College (NESCol)

University of Aberdeen (UOA)

Robert Gordon University (RGU)

Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)

Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS)