SHMU Training Academy

SHMU Training Academy was developed to support young people into positive destinations after leaving school. The course is designed to give pupils experience of real life and work place skills whilst obtaining qualifications in media and personal development.

"SHMU Training Academy" is delivered at St Machar Academy by Employability Support Workers and trained Media Tutors from Station House Media Unit, in small groups of 6-8 participants weekly for a 50 minute session over 8 weeks.


Intake 1

August - December for Christmas Leavers

Intake 2

January - May for Summer Leavers

On this course pupils will complete a media project working on wither a radio show or podcast during which they will develop transferrable skills relevant to work such as team work, communications, working to deadlines, problem solving and creative thinking. Pupils will also explore the options available to them on leaving school and create an action plan.


The aims of this programme is to support pupils leaving school into positive destinations such as continuing employability training with SHMU or another training provider or moving onto college or employment. Young people will also work towards two qualifications: National 3 Media and Personal Development Award level 3.


This intervention is designed for pupils who are likely to leave school without a positive destination.

Measured Impact

Impact will be measured using evaluations at the beginning and end of the course, qualifications achieved and achievement of positive destination.

SHMU Speak Out S1

SHMU Speak Out was developed to support young people in S1 who may be struggling with low confidence and find the transition from primary school up to secondary school challenging.

"SHMU Speak Out" is delivered at St Machar Academy by Youth Support Workers and trained Media Tutors from Station House Media Unit, in small groups of 6-8 participants weekly for a 50 minute session over 8 weeks.


The aims of this programme is to support young people to develop and enhance skills such as literacy, talking, team work as well as improving confidence. Pupils will plan and record content for their own radio show and in the final week of the term travel to SHMU HQ to present the show from our radio studio. Pupils will research and write scripts and interview questions before interviewing guests for their show.


This intervention is designed for pupils who may be struggling with confidence and the transition to secondary school.

Measured Impact

Impact will be measured using evaluations at the beginning and end of the course.