Seasons for Growth

Established in 1996, and now used widely across the UK, Australia and New Zealand, "Seasons for Growth" is a programme to help strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of young people dealing with life changes due to a death, separation, divorce or a major loss, by exploring the impact of the change and loss on everyday life and learning new ways to respond to these changes using imagery of the seasons to illustrate the experience of grief. The programme covers a wide range of activities designed to help build personal resilience, social and communication skills and decision making and problem solving skills all within a safe peer environment. The programme is an education intervention, it does not provide counselling or therapy but it can be therapeutic and it can be fun.

"Seasons for Growth" is delivered at St Machar Academy by trained "Companions", Mrs Howell in small groups of 4-7 participants weekly for a 50 minute session over 8 weeks concluding with a "Celebration" session. The participants will have the opportunity to meet as a group for two further sessions later in the year to build on their learning.

Mrs Howell



To accept the reality of the loss; learn that change and loss are part of life

Session 1: Life is like the seasons

Confidentiality will be explained. The group will explore ideas around seasons changing, as do our lives. Participants may be asked to bring a baby photo to the next session and/or something special they had as a young child/baby e.g. toy, book, clothing.

Session 2: Change is part of life

Participants will be talking about how we are all special and continue to grow and change throughout life. These changes affect us in different ways.


To process the pain of grief; learn about different ways people experience change and loss

Session 3: Valuing my story

Paricipants will be reminded about confidentiality. They will have an opportunity to share a story of loss with the group. They will be thanked and affirmed as important members of the group.

Session 4: Naming my feelings

Participants will learn that feelings change just as the seasons do. We all have feelings and they don't last forever. They will be encouraged to name feelings and notice where they experience them in their body e.g. sore stomach


To adjust to a changed word after the loss; learn skills to assist with adapting to change and loss

Session 5: Caring for my feelings

Participants will be encouraged to think about how to take care of feelings and think about who they cantalk to when their feelings are big and difficult to look after. They will be reminded that Spring is a time of growth.

Session 6: Remembering the good times

Memories can be both happ and sad. Each of us can remember the same thing in different ways. Children are encouraged to find hope through their memories and to think about who they can share their happy memory/memories with.


To find an enduring connection with what has been lost while embarking on a new life; learn about ways that help in moving forward with life

Session 7: Making good choices

Supporting young people to make good choices is central to their social and emotional wellbeing. The choices they make affects their feelings and relationships with others. They will be reminded that next session is the final one in the programme.

Session 8: Moving forward

Participants will plan a "Celebration" session where they can celebrate the journey they have been on. Young people and parents/carers will be asked to complete an evaluation form to give feedback about the group.


The aims of this programme is to help strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of young people dealing with life changes due to death, separation, divorce or a major loss, by exploring the impact of change and loss on everyday life and learning new ways to respond to these changes.


Pupils will be given information about the programme and following discussion with parents/carers will be given the opportunity to opt in to attending the sessions. Attendance is on an informed, voluntary basis and ideally a minimum of six months after the event. Pupils can be recommended/referred but ultimately it must be their decision to participate. Pupils who are interested should speak to their guidance teacher in the first instance.

Measured Impact

Through observation and feedback looking at areas such as an improved ability to manage feelings, solve problems, make positive choices and effective communication skills.

Evaluations are completed by the "Companion" after each session. Pupils complete an evaluation during session 8 at the "Celebration". Where possible, parents/carers will be invited to anonymously complete a survey at the end of the programme.