Promoting Positive Relationships

Young people are supported to make positive changes in their relationships across the school. Their achievement is recognised and shared at the end of the course and their progress is monitored after the group has ended.

"Promoting Positive Relationships" is delivered at St Machar Academy by Mrs Bonner in small groups of 5 participants weekly for a 50 minute session over 8 weeks.

Mrs Bonner


The aims of this programme is to promote positive relationships in school and in the wider school community.


Pupils will be referred by their Guidance Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher.

Measured Impact

Young persons will be required to assess their progress at the start and the end of the course. Through observation and feedback we would expect:

  • improved relationships in school and the local community

  • decreased number of referrals in school

A review meeting with the young person will be held 2 weeks after completion of the course to review impact and discuss how the programme has helped them. Rereferral may be an option if extra support is required.