
With a specific emphasis on emotional literacy, language development and communication, Nurture groups immerse young people in an accepting and warm environment which helps pupils to develop positive relationships with both teachers and peers.

"Nurture" is delivered at St Machar Academy by Ms Reid and a PSA in small groups of 6-8 participants weekly for a 50 minute session over 12 weeks, although support may continue if necessary.

Ms Reid


The aims of this programme is to provide a targeted intervention that addresses the social, emotional and learning needs of individual pupils in order to help and support the removal of barriers to learning.


Suitability for Nurture support is determined through Boxall Assessment.

Measured Impact

Boxall Profile will be completed beforehand to assess suitability for Nurture support, and then afterwards to assess impact. The social and developmental targets for each pupil are devised using the Boxall Profile.