LIAM - Lets Introduce Anxiety Management

Experiencing anxiety and worry is normal and common in people of all ages. While we all experience anxiety sometimes, there are times when anxiety and worry can fell very difficult to manage and can have a big impact on really important aspects of our lives. Anxiety can for example, make us feel very upset and get in teh way of the things that we would like to do.

Lets Introduce Anxiety Management (LIAM) was been developed by NHS Education for Scotland and experts in the field of anxiety in children and young people and is offered to young people who are experiencing anxiety that is upsetting or difficult to manage.

LIAM is delivered at St Machar Academy by Mrs Zaplaic, Mr Chalmers and Ms Reid on a one-to-one basis weekly for a 50 minute session over 7-9 weeks.

Mr Chalmers

Mrs Zaplaic

Ms Reid


LIAM is designed to help children and young people learn more about anxiety and ways to oversome it. The programme is based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) principles and focuses on what happens to our thoughts, feelings and behaviour when we feel anxious. Importantly, LIAM helps children and young peope learn new ways of dealing with anxiety.


Pupils will be referred by their guidance teacher who will complete a referral form with you or on your behalf. This will be submitted to the LIAM practioners who will ensure that LIAM is a good fit for you. Families and young people can contact their guidance teacher if they are interested in the LIAM programme. Appropriate referrals include:

  • Separation anxiety: fear of being separated from attachment figures

  • Specific phobias: fear of specific things (e.g. dogs) or places (e.g. the dentist)

  • Generalised anxiety: fear of the unknown or uncertainty

  • Social anxiety: fear of social situations

  • Panic: fear of a disaster or being out of control

Measured Impact

Impact will be measured through the completion of Routine Outcome Measurements (ROMs):

  • Young people will be complete the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) at the start of the programme and upon completion

  • Review of goal based outcomes every session based on self-rated progress towards set goals

  • Anxiety diary reviews

  • Young People's Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (YP-CORE)

  • Experience of service questionnaire (ESQ)