Growing at St Machar

"Attendance and taking part in learning - wherever learning takes place - is fundamental to making sure that our young people become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens."

At St Machar we aim to work with our young people and their families to ensure that attendance is maintained throughout school years in order to support pupil attainment and achievement.

Growing at St Machar is a programme designed to encourage a more positive attitude towards being present in school by offering young people alternative activities during the school day or family learning opportunities where parents and carers are invited into school to take part in various projects with their child.

"Growing at St Machar" is delivered at St Machar Academy by Mrs Jamieson, Family Liaison Officer, in small targeted groups of 4-8 participants weekly until school attendance approves.

Mrs Jamieson


Examples of pupil activities may include:

Cooking and baking

Bike maintenance

Growing vegetables

Bird feeders

Creating Christmas decorations

Growing flowers

Building a garden water feature

Examples of family activities may include:

Soup and Scone Cookalong

Wreath workshop

Christmas Gift Cooking

Cook real KFC

Build a birdbox

Dad's activity night - wall climbing, 5-a-side football

Cookie baking competition


The aims of this programme is to foster a positive attitude with being present in school, as well as improving the confidence, resilience and wellbeing of young people both emotionally and physically. Growing at St Machar will also facilitate family learning opportunities within school.


The support is aimed at pupils within the FLO target group whose attendance rates are between 60% and 80%. Pupils can also be referred by the senior management team.

Measured Impact

Young people will complete a survey at the beginning and end of their time involved with the programme. Attendance rates will also be monitored for improvement. A parental evaluation will be requested following any family learning activities.