Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is an iniative to help children and young people recognise and understand their emotions and the emotions of people around them.

The programme is delivered at St Machar Academy by trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant", Mrs Howell on a one-to-one basis or in small groups weekly for a 50 minute session over 6-12 weeks. Upon joining the programme, the ELSA will discuss and set a clear aims and objectives to be reached by the young person. This could be related to the young person's IEP (Individualised Educational Programme), if they have one. The emphasis is that sessions are fun whilst ensuring that goals are achieved. Some sessions may be on a one-to-one basis, others in a group setting depending on content and the young person being comfortable with this.

Mrs Howell


The aims of this programme is for ELSAs to develop and foster emotional intelligence and social skills in pupils of all ages through a range of activities, experiences and games to promote a sense of belonging, emotional safety and connection to the school. ELSAs track and monitor the progress of the pupils they are working with and link with and work alongside other appropriate staff for the pupil within the school, such as teachers, senior management team and Targeted Support staff.


Pupils will be referred to ELSA by their Guidance Teacher or Targeted Support team. Any pupil who has been identified as having an emotional need not being met or dtruggling with emotions can be referred. If a parent/carer wishes to refer their child to ELSA, they can discuss this with their child's Guidance Teacher in the first instance.

Measured Impact

A SMART target will be set for each pupil referred to ELSA which is reviewed at the final session. ELSAs keep a record of progress for each pupil throughout the programme.

ELSAs will plan "catch up" sessions to check in with pupils after the programme to discuss and support their ongoing progress. There may also be an opportunity for parent/carer(s) to discuss their child's sessions, targets and achievements.