Chalk and Talk

Chalk and Talk is a programme designed to support learners who are reluctant to discuss their feelings, those who require support to develop coping strategies or have not yet built key relationships with peers or school staff y expressing emotions through art.. The intervention is designed to develop coping strategies for a range of emotions and associated behaviours. Young people will be given the opportunity to develop positive relationships in a supportive environment with both adults and peers.

"Chalk and Talk" is delivered at St Machar Academy by Mrs Reid, Pupil Support Teacher in small groups of 6-8 participants weekly for a 50 minute session over 8 weeks.

Mrs Reid



The aims of this programme is to provide an opportunity for learners to express their emotions through art. By discussing these emotions and associate behaviours they will identify the best coping strategies to meet their needs.


Learners who are reluctant to discuss their feelings and require support to develop coping strategies or those who haven't built key relationships with peers or staff.

Measured Impact

Impact will be measured through observation and interaction looking at areas such as an improved ability to manage feelings, solve problems, make positive choices and effective communication skills.

An evaluation questionnaire will be completed to assess coping strategies both in weeks one and eight.