Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust - St Machar Alternative Academy

The AFCCT St Machar Alternative Academy programme is aimed at young people who are not achieving their full potential in mainstream education. This intervention aims to improve outcomes for young people identified by guidance, year heads and Deputy Head Teachers. It is an alternative approach to education which promotes ownership of learning and builds on core values such as confidence, resilience and teamwork.

"St Machar Alternative Academy" is delivered at St Machar Academy by AFCCT staff Lois Walker and Murray Collie in small groups of up to 14 participants four times weekly for 1-2 academic years.

Lois Walker

Murray Collie


The aims of this programme is to increase school attendance and the engagement of young people as well as improving health and wellbeing and reducing referrals and exclusion. There is also a focus on successful transitions to S3 and S4 year groups.


Pupils will be referred by their guidance teacher or Targeted Support Team. Parent/carer(s) can contact their child's Guidance Teacher to discuss if you would like your child to be referred.

Measured Impact

Impact will be measured through reviewing data on targeted pupil attendance and exclusions as well as qualitative data collected throughout the year by AFCCT on health and wellbeing and overall engagement.

All pupils will receive SQA qualifications at the end of their time with the alternative academy.