School Uniform

The recommended uniform is a shirt/polo shirt, royal blue school sweatshirt and grey trousers for boys and blouse/polo shirt, royal blue school sweatshirt and grey skirt for girls.  There remains some stock of Polo shirts and sweatshirts available at school.  Please call the school office to enquire. Alternatively items can be ordered online at:  or a Fairtrade  option can be sourced through: 

For physical education the pupils wear plain navy or black shorts and a plain white t-shirt.  Each child should be provided with gym shoes or trainers, preferably not black-soled as these mark the hall floor coverings.  Parents are requested to provide soft-soled footwear for general indoor use, which pupils must change into when coming into school.  All items of school wear should be named to minimise losses.

A clothing grant is available to families in receipt of Income Support and Job Seekers Allowance.  An appropriate form can be obtained from the school office.