We are very proud of our Nursery with a fantastic staff equipped to help your child learn through environmental interactions. For a detailed look at all the workings please consult the Handbook.
We are very proud of our Nursery with a fantastic staff equipped to help your child learn through environmental interactions. For a detailed look at all the workings please consult the Handbook.
Excellent facilities ready to engage your child.
Excellent facilities ready to engage your child.
Role play areas for your child to let their imagination run wild!
Role play areas for your child to let their imagination run wild!
Different, accessible spaces for any activity.
Different, accessible spaces for any activity.
Creative spaces for children to engage in a wide variety of activities.
Creative spaces for children to engage in a wide variety of activities.
A nurturing and calming space for children to thrive in.
A nurturing and calming space for children to thrive in.
Nursery Opening Times
Nursery Opening Times
Morning Class 8.00 – 12:57pm
Morning Class 8.00 – 12:57pm
The nursery door will be open at 8.00am for dropping children off and lunch will be finished by 12pm for children to be collected between 12 and 1pm.
The nursery door will be open at 8.00am for dropping children off and lunch will be finished by 12pm for children to be collected between 12 and 1pm.
Afternoon Class 1.00pm – 6:00pm
Afternoon Class 1.00pm – 6:00pm
The nursery door will be open at 1.00pm for dropping children off and children can be collected from 3-6pm.
The nursery door will be open at 1.00pm for dropping children off and children can be collected from 3-6pm.
Things to bring with you
Things to bring with you
• Soft slip-on shoes for the Nursery and the gym.
• Soft slip-on shoes for the Nursery and the gym.
• Wellies and waterproofs for messy play outside.
• Wellies and waterproofs for messy play outside.
• A bag containing a spare set of clothes in case of “accidents”
• A bag containing a spare set of clothes in case of “accidents”
• Appropriate outdoor clothing every day (jacket, hats ect…)
• Appropriate outdoor clothing every day (jacket, hats ect…)
In Nursery, our clothing naturally gets dirty, this shows what we've been learning and is a normal part of life in Nursery!
In Nursery, our clothing naturally gets dirty, this shows what we've been learning and is a normal part of life in Nursery!
Sometimes I accidently get paint and glitter on clothes while I am being creative.
The splodge is part of my snack/lunch. I am trying new foods with cutlery.
Making and exploring play-dough improves my measuring and fine motor skills.
I am trying really hard to develop my writing and drawing skills with pens, pencils and crayons.
The mud kitchen is very messy, but it helps me to develop my imagination and descriptive language
Grass stains show that I have been outdoors to develop my physical and gross motor skills
Nursery Staff
Nursery Staff
Senior Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Morag Christie
Senior Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Morag Christie
Senior Early Years Practitioner: Miss Alix Sharpe
Senior Early Years Practitioner: Miss Alix Sharpe
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Vanessa Howls
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Vanessa Howls
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Heather Pitt
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Heather Pitt
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Sarah Berry
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Sarah Berry
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Claire Littlejohn
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Claire Littlejohn
Support Worker: Mrs Denise Taylor
Support Worker: Mrs Denise Taylor
Support Worker: Mrs Angela Stewart
Support Worker: Mrs Angela Stewart
Modern Apprentice: Rebecca Day