Fifth-year offers many new challenges and responsibilities and can be a very rewarding year. Learners in fifth year will be given much greater responsibility for their education than before. This can be demanding and, although teachers will help as much as they can, learners will only be successful if they demonstrate an ongoing personal commitment to learning. This begins by making a sensible selection from the wide range of courses available to you at Oldmachar. In school, we will be looking for our young people to respond to their chosen courses with lots of effort, with initiative and enthusiasm – in short with a mature attitude, which will prepare them for whatever comes after this year in school.

You will choose 6 subjects in S5.

I have a clear idea of my future career

If you have a clear idea of your future career you need to check what subjects you are required to study. Certain careers need you to have studied particular subjects in school or in college, and university courses. It is vital you gather as much information as possible before choosing your subjects for S5 and S6.

I am not sure of my future career

It is not uncommon for pupils at the end of S4 to have no definite career or further/higher education course in mind for when they leave school. If you feel this is you, keep open as many options as possible by choosing subjects to give you a broad curriculum.

In choosing subjects consider:

I am having problems choosing my subjects

If you are having problems choosing your subjects, your Principal Teacher of Pupil Support will be able to help you. They will assist you in deciding the level of course you should study, i.e. Higher or National 4/5. Every learner must discuss their subject choices with the PTPS.

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Students in S5 and S6 can apply to the Education Authority for an EMA, which is a payment of £30 per week, paid directly into your bank account if you stay on in school, college or in home education after your official school leaving date. Check here for more information and to apply.

Choices after 16.pdf


Course Choice Information Booklet

Course Information Booklet 2023-24.pdf

S5 Course Choice Form

S4 Choice Form 2023-24.pdf
S5-S6 Course Choice Form 2023-24.pdf


The 2023-24 City Campus Course Choice information for S4 and S5 pupils going into S5 and S6 will be available shortly.


School Links

Aberdeen City Council has a partnership with NESCol which allows various Skills For Work courses to be offered to pupils at National 4 and 5, National Progression Awards (NPAs), or Foundation Apprenticeships.

These courses are delivered at NESCol two afternoons per week.

NESCol School College Links Information

The 2023-24 NESCol School College Links Information for S4 and S5 pupils going into S5 and S6 will be available shortly.


Foundation Apprenticeships


It is important to make your decision based on all the information available to you, including the level you are working at within each subject. This should mean that you make an informed choice and select courses where you will perform well.

Oldmachar Academy

Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Speak to your Principal Teacher Pupil Support, Mr Anderson, to discuss your subject choices.

Subject Teachers

Ask your subject teachers for more information about the courses on offer.

Oldmachar Careers Advisor

Karen Hogg

S3 Parents Pres with Audio - Final Copy.mp4

Skills Development Scotland