Former Pupil A

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1986 - 1990

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, Modern Studies, History, PE

  • When he was at school he initially wanted to work as a PE Teacher. He left school and completed an electrical apprenticeship which included study at Aberdeen Technical College.

  • He is currently working as Operations Director at an electrical training and consultancy company.

Former Pupil B

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1987 - 1991

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: English, Maths, Science, History, Physical Education, Geography

  • When he left school he completed an HNC Mechanical Engineering at Aberdeen Technical College and a BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering at the Open University.

  • At school he wanted to work in the oil and gas industry. He is now working in Subsea Engineering in Aberdeen.

  • His advice for current Oldmachar pupils planning for their future career: “Don’t give up on what you want to do, follow your dreams and your career will fall into place.”

Former Pupil C

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1987 - 1993

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: In S4 - English, Maths, French, Chemistry, History, Art & Design, Modern Studies. In S5 - English, Maths, French, Art & Design. In S6 - English, Maths, History, Scotvec - Keyboarding Skills & Word Processing

  • At school she wanted to be a history teacher. Every week she had work experience at Forehill Primary to gain experience and to enhance her college application. She didn’t get the grades for Aberdeen University and didn’t want to move away, so went for her back-up plan which was primary teaching.

  • After school she went to Northern College in Aberdeen (now part of Aberdeen University) and did a BEd (Hons) in primary teaching.

  • She is now working as Principal Teacher of Support for Learning at Oldmachar Academy.

  • Her advice for current Oldmachar pupils planning for their future career: “Always have a back-up plan! You might not always get to where you want to go right away, but careful planning, hard work and dedication will always lead you to where should be in the end.”

Former Pupil D

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1987 - 1993

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: Music, Drama, History, English, Maths, German, Chemistry

  • After leaving school she studied BA Hospitality Management at RGU.

  • Her initial career plan was to become a teacher but she went on to study hospitality instead. She now works as a company director.

  • Her advice for current Oldmachar pupils planning for their future career: “Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy it. We work for a very long time.”

Former Pupil E

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1987 - 1993

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: Modern Studies, French, English, Economics, Accounts

  • After leaving school she studied BA Hons in Business Studies at RGU.

  • She initially wanted to be a police officer but did not meet the height requirements to be a police officer at the time. After doing Business Studies at university, she decided to be an executive assistant.

  • She currently works as Clerk to the Board of Governors at The British School Al Khubairat in Abu Dhabi.

  • Her advice for current Oldmachar pupils planning for their future career: “Think about what your own personal strengths are and what career path would maximise on those strengths.”

Former Pupil F

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1988 - 1989

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: Maths, English, French, History, Secretarial Studies, Biology, Physics

  • After leaving school she completed an ONC Electrical & Electronic Engineering at college.

  • At school she found it difficult to decide about future career plans at such a young age but she was interested in engineering. She is now working as a reserves coordinator for an oil and gas company.

  • Her advice for current Oldmachar pupils planning for their future career: “Keep your options open with regards to the subjects you choose so if you don't like what you choose initially, you have some ability to change your career path.”

Former Pupil G

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1983 - 1988

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: English, Maths, Arithmetic, French, Biology, History

  • She initially wanted to work as an occupational therapist but was too young for the university course.

  • She left school for a job at a bank and studied at home for all her Financial Planning Exams to qualify as an independent financial advisor.

  • She now works in a school office.

  • Her advice for current Oldmachar pupils planning for their future career: “Choose a variety of subjects. Try to obtain work experience in a profession you are interested in.”

Former Pupil H

  • Attended Oldmachar Academy: 1987 - 1993

  • Subjects studied at Oldmachar: English, Maths, Biology, Secretarial Studies, Social and Vocational Skills, Geography, French

  • After leaving school she was offered a full-time job as a supply chain professional within an oil company where she had worked part time for two years. This was a different career choice than she had planned to follow.

  • Her advice for current Oldmachar pupils planning for their future career: “Have options - don't be scared to include an option that does not involve further education.”