Our Community

Our Associated Schools Group

We work in partnership with the schools in and around the local Associated Schools Group (ASG). This team comprises of the several local primary school which feed into Cults Academy, and of course, the Academy itself. Please find links to their websites below:

Cults Academy: https://cults-academy.aberdeen.sch.uk/

Cults Primary School: https://cultsprimary.aberdeen.sch.uk/ 

Culter Primary School: https://sites.google.com/ab-ed.org/culter-school 

Lairhillock Primary School: https://lairhillock.aberdeenshire.sch.uk/ 

Cults Partnership Unit

We are pleased to announce that as of September 2021, Cults Partnership Unit will be reinstated. This is a regular opportunity for a variety of agencies such as Education, Health, Social Work and Police to come together to created unique solutions to local community issues.