Sound design for a computer game 

This sample brief can be adapted as long as the game sequence used allows for accurate sequencing of sounds and music, fade-in/out and level automation, and additional processing as appropriate. Five or more different audio tracks must be used, and at least two of these must be recorded using a microphone. A typical game sequence for this task should be around 1 to 2 minutes in length. 

In this task you will create music as backing for a section of a computer game. 

There are three stages to this task and marks will be awarded for each stage:  

Throughout the task, you must keep a record of progress in the Google Slides template provided.


You should update your record of progress after each stage of the task. It should explain what you have done, describing any help you needed, and listing any evidence you have produced (printouts, sketches, photographs, sound files).


After each stage of the task, get your teacher to check your work.

Stage 1: planning the production (10 marks) 

You should discuss the task with your teacher before you begin the planning process, to ensure that it will allow you to demonstrate all of the following technical skills:  

Study some computer games, and make notes about the types of music and sounds they use. 

In order to complete your plan, you must do the following:

a. Choose a game, and provide a brief explanation of the style of music you have chosen and how you will fit it with the visuals and style of the game. 

b. Complete a plan showing the structure and instrumentation of the proposed music. 

c. List the equipment (hardware and software) you will need to complete the project. 

d. Demonstrate the method(s) you will use to capture audio, including microphone positioning and type(s). 

e. Explain how you will record your progress. 

f. Once you have completed your plan for the production, share it with your teacher to check. 

SOund Design Tutorial

This is a great overview of how to create effective Video Game Sound Design.