This assignment is worth 100 marks. The marks contribute 70% of the overall marks for the course assessment.

This is one of two course assessment components. The other component is a question paper.

This assignment has two tasks. Each task has three stages.

Your instructions and sample briefs are linked to the buttons at the top of this page. You are required to choose two of these briefs in discussion with your teacher. Each sample brief is based on a different context:

Task requirements

The brief for each task must be agreed between yourself and your teacher.

An appropriate task is meaningful and appropriately challenging, and requires you to demonstrate technical skills, apply musical understanding in a creative way, and show understanding of context.

Each task should allow you to demonstrate all of the following technical skills:

Each production should involve a minimum of five parts, at least two of which should involve the use of a microphone.

Each production should be between 1 and 3 minutes in length.