School Improvement

School Improvement Priorities

Every year we are required to complete a Standards, Quality and Improvements Plan to set out our improvement priorities for the year ahead and beyond.  Broadly speaking these are usually split in to three main priorities that we will be rolling out over the coming academic year.  If you have a skill that you think would support us on our improvement journey or would like to help in some other way. 

Our five main priorities are below. You can also watch our Prezi Presentation that was shared at our first Open Afternoon of 23/24. 

Priority 1

SEAL Maths 

With a focus on the stages of Early Arithmetic Learning, we will be completing training with other schools in our ASG. 

As a school we will then be using the planning and assessment resources to support individual pupils. 

Priority 2

Effective Questioning

Priority 3

Inclusive Practice

Priority 4

Tools for Writing

Priority 5

Skills Development

SIP 2023-24 draft.docx