Season 3

7/8th Grade Men's White Basketball Team

Lee Hallom

Head Coach

Lee Hallom


Assistant Coach


8th Grade Basketball Team Info

Game Schedule

2/10 vs Claque 5:30

2/12 vs Slauson 5:30

2/20 vs Saline 5:30

3/3 vs Forsythe 5:30

3/5 vs Scarlett 5:30

3/11 @ Claque 5:30

3/17 @ Forsythe 5:30

4/01 @ Slauson 5:30

4/03 @ Scarlett 5:30

7/8th Grade Men's Blue Basketball Team 

Lee Hallom

Head Coach

Takema Reeder

Team Information

Game Schedule

2/10 vs Claque 4:30

2/12 vs Slauson 4:30

2/20 vs A2 Open 4:30

2/27 vs A2 Steam 4:30

3/3 vs Forsythe 4:30

3/5 vs Scarlett 4:30

3/11 @ Claque 4:30

3/17 @ Forsythe 4:30

3/19 vs A2 Open 4:30

3/20 @ A2Steam 4:30

4/01 @ Slauson 4:30

4/03 @ Scarlett 4:30

6th Grade Men's Basketball

Team Information

Head Coach

Matt Golusin

Practices will begin 2/3 and will be held every Monday and Thursday starting at 3:15 till 4:15pm. There is a late bus that departs the west end entrance at 4:45. 

Game Schedule

There are no games at the 6th grade level only practices.