Contact Info & FAQs

Contact Me:

If there are questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me by email (best option!) at or by phone at 734-994-2017 x35469. Please be aware that the classroom is shared with 1 other teacher, so please leave a detailed message and I will return your call as quickly as I can.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Classroom Expectations:

It all comes down to one word: RESPECT. Students are expected to respect themselves, others, and their learning environment.

Respecting Self- Practice a Growth Mindset! No negative self-talk. If we do not understand something yet, we will get there!

Respecting Others- Treat each other well. We may not always get along with everyone, but it is expected that students (and adults) will treat others respectfully and work together to collaborate and learn effectively.

Respecting the Classroom Environment- Take care of the classroom supplies, as well as being respectful of their own supplies and those of their classmates. Students are also expected to clean up after themselves.

When is PowerSchool updated?

At a minimum PowerSchool will be updated weekly, but in all actuality it will be updated more often.

How are grades calculated?

80% of a students math grade is based on assessments. The other 20% of the grade will be earned through classwork (practice).

If an assignment has been collected and graded but the student has not turned the work in, I will put a zero into PowerSchool. This drops the grade and tends to act as a better reminder for the student to complete the work and turn it in.

Can assessment scores be improved?

Yes! If students get below a 70% on an assessment they are required to complete a correction form, which shows me that they are working to understand what they did wrong. Students may see me during advisory or lunch to work on their understanding of the material. Students should retake their assessment within two weeks of the original assessment.

Extra Help for Students:

  • Advisory Time (8th grade) on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. 7th grade- come see me so we can figure this time out!
  • Lunch Time on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • Before or After School: By Appointment Only


If a student is absent they should check with a classroom buddy, check this website, or send me an email to find out what they have missed.

Students will have one day provided for each day missed to turn assignments in. For example, if a student missed class on Tuesday and Wednesday, the work that was due on Tuesday is still expected to be turned in on Thursday but they will have until Monday to turn in the work they missed without penalty. If students are to miss more than two days they will need to meet with me to discuss a plan to catch up!

Late Work:

ALL late work must be turned in no later than 2 days prior to the end of the grading quarter. Late work will be penalized 10% for each day late that it is turned in up to 50% off. As a reminder, our advisory group does take the option of Friday recess away if students are missing work.