District Officers
DCM | Alt-DCM | Secretary | Treasurer | Intergroup Representative -- Open Position
District 15 business meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:45 pm at Atkinson Memorial Church, 6th Ave. & John Adams St, Oregon City [Map]. Enter on the John Adams St. side, lower level (next to parking lot in back).
The qualifications, terms, and responsibilities of the District 15 officers are described in the District 15 Guidelines.
The District Committee Member (DCM) is the key link between District 15 and Oregon Area 58. DCM responsibilities are described in the District 15 Guidelines.
The Oregon Area 58 "DCM Resources" web page provides information and forms for the DCM.
Email the District 15 DCM at dcm15@aa-oregon.org
Alternate DCM
Suggested Practices for the District 15 Alternate DCM
Participate in a planning meeting with the DCM, prior to the district business meeting.
Prepare a monthly Alternate DCM report to present at the district business meeting.
Be prepared to facilitate the monthly district business meeting if DCM is unable to do so.
Assemble and maintain GSR Starter Kits to present to new GSRs at the district meeting.
This includes purchasing supplies, literature, etc., using the Alt. DCM Budget.
Attend the quarterly OR Area assemblies, assisting the DCM as needed.
Plan the Post-Conference Delegate’s Report with the DCM. At the May Assembly the Delegate will schedule a date that he/she will be available to the district and present their report.
This event is funded from the General Fund.
Provide guidance to GSRs attending an assembly for their first time.
This includes explaining the Assembly Scholarship process if needed.
Submit the Alt. DCM budget request form for the upcoming year in November.
Email the District 15 Alternate DCM at dcm-alt@aaoregondistrict15.org
Suggested Practices for the District 15 Secretary
Email draft copy of minutes for review to District Members (Officers, Committee Chairs and GSRs); always send emails by BCC, so that Members' email addresses are kept confidential.
After approval of the minutes at the monthly District business meeting, publish minutes to the District 15 website and inform all District Members by email. Provide a hard copy of minutes to those who don’t have access to email.
DCM and Secretary will maintain a Sign-in Sheet for the District business meeting; the Secretary will bring a blank copy of the sign-in sheet to record attendance.
Keep District 15 website minutes tab up to date. The previous three months of approved minutes should be available.
Maintain the Special Events calendar on District 15’s website and solicit District Members for information and activities.
Maintain a current distribution list with email addresses of all District Members. The distribution list is only available to the Secretary, and should not be shared with other District Members.
District meeting reminders once a month (or more as needed) to District Members, preferably one week prior to the District business meeting.
Email District Members regarding special communications and events as requested by District Members.
Each November, submit the Secretary's budget request for the upcoming year.
Email the District 15 Secretary at secretary@aaoregondistrict15.org
Address for donations:
AA District 15 Fund, 10824 SE Oak Street, Box 189, Milwaukie, OR 97222
Suggested Financial Practices for the District 15 Treasurer
Facilitate the budget planning using budget request form for the fiscal year, with the DCM.
Annual filing of tax form by May 15th. Use IRS Form 990-N: “Electronic Notice (e-Postcard filing) for Tax-Exempt Organizations Not Required to File Form 990 or Form 990-E”.
Maintain and/or update the Tax Exempt Information Sheet as needed.
Send annual Individual Contributions letter to people who have contributed to District 15. Letters to be sent out by January 31st.
Provide the following financial reports to the District Members:
Monthly Balance Sheet – each month
Group contributions report – quarterly (January, April, July, October)
Annual Budget,YTD - (January, April, July, October)
Maintain proper signatories on the District 15 bank account at US Bank in Oregon City in November after installation of new DCM and Treasurer.
Upon election give the new Treasurer the key to District 15’s Post Office Box 913 at the Oregon City post office at 19300 Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, OR 97045.
Provide the DCM (second signator on bank account) with several blank checks as backup when the Treasurer is not available.
The outgoing Treasurer will meet with incoming Treasurer in November for training, after installaton of new officers.
Submit the Treasurer's budget request for the upcoming year, to the district for approval (first Wednesday in November).
Maintain the “Your Donations Explained” document.
Maintain the “Assembly Scholarship Practices” document.
Email the District 15 Treasurer at treasurer@aaoregondistrict15.org
Intergroup Liaison
The Intergroup Liaison is District 15's representative to the Portland Area Intergroup, which meets at 7:00 pm on the second Monday of each month at the Portland Unity Church on Stark Rd..