District Officers

DCM  |  Alt-DCM  |  Secretary  |  Treasurer  |  Intergroup Representative -- Open Position

District 15 business meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:45 pm at Atkinson Memorial Church, 6th Ave. & John Adams St, Oregon City [Map]. Enter on the John Adams St. side, lower level (next to parking lot in back).

The qualifications, terms, and responsibilities of the District 15 officers are described in the District 15 Guidelines.



The District Committee Member (DCM) is the key link between District 15 and Oregon Area 58. DCM responsibilities are described in the District 15 Guidelines.

The Oregon Area 58 "DCM Resources" web page provides information and forms for the DCM.

Email the District 15 DCM at dcm15@aa-oregon.org

Alternate DCM

Suggested Practices for the District 15 Alternate DCM

Email the District 15 Alternate DCM at dcm-alt@aaoregondistrict15.org


Suggested Practices for the District 15 Secretary

Email the District 15 Secretary at secretary@aaoregondistrict15.org


Address for donations:

AA District 15 Fund, 10824 SE Oak Street, Box 189, Milwaukie, OR 97222

Suggested Financial Practices for the District 15 Treasurer

Email the District 15 Treasurer at treasurer@aaoregondistrict15.org

Intergroup Liaison

The Intergroup Liaison is District 15's representative to the Portland Area Intergroup, which meets at 7:00 pm on the second Monday of each month at the Portland Unity Church on Stark Rd..