AAM LLC - Tailings and Impoundments Reflectance Index  - TIRIdata offers TSF professionals, environmental department scientists, CCR, CAFO, SI, asset managers and compliance staff, awareness of hydro-assets, structural at-risk profiles, differential deposition, and environmental awareness data for additional decision-making support.

MyTSF -- Mine Waste Tailings and Impoundments Monitoring (TIRI)

Environment, Natural Resources, Infrastructure, Mining,
Marine Transportation, Civil Works, Dam Safety, Agriculture (CAFO)

We support your choices for near real-time asset data acquisition assessments and processing. 

AAM NEWS - June 2024

Uploader  -- SEE  LINK ... :) 


Off to #NEVADA for a couple weeks supporting #mining and natural resources clients.

Our MyTSF℠ program for educational, staff development, and sectoral awareness development is ongoing -- see global examples of TIRI in action over mining and natural resources sites .. we are excited to offer opportunities to educational institutions, safety training, and assurance customers. #MyTSF℠ (#MyTSF at FELT by AssetAssurance Monitoring )

PROQIO  (www.proqio.com) - We are working with the PROQIO team to ingest #TIRI and other TSF supporting informational data sets. E-mail tiri.info@aamonitoring.net to setup a DEMO and data results view.

Ongoing data indices development with SATSHOT (https://www.satshot.com/) and our new WatIRI℠.

WILDFIRE - Pre-fire risk environment - vegEcheck and in-event FIRI indices are available for push, e-mail, or portal display.

WatIRI is now released for waterbody, wetlands, riverine, and flood area tracking. Push, email. PDF report or portal display.

WE Moved In - now active in ELKO, NEVADA !! - Nevada Address for AAM: 2588 Idaho St., Elko, Nevada, 89801

See steven.ulrich@aamonitoring.net I Elko - for your Site and Earth Monitoring, needs.

Encardio Rite (www.encardiorite.com) is our newest collaborator, partner, and shade investment firm. Over 50 years of geotechnical instrument manufacturing sales, and support - together with their data platform solution - PROQIO (www.proqio.com) will drive new affordability, scalability, and world-class instrumentation, monitoring, and differential data services. 

AAM carries our Service Markon:
RiskReduction Monitoring  -  RRM℠
Tailings and Impoundments Reflectance Index  - TIRI℠
Fire Incident Reflectance Index - FIRI℠
VegEcheck - Pre-Fire Incident Reflectance Index - VegEcheck℠
TempIRI℠ - Temperature Incident Reflectance Index
WatIRI℠ - Water Incident Reflectance Index
