Calendars & Checklists

Keeping Students On-Track

Brightspace Calendars and Checklists are essential tools to help keep students on track. Calendars can help make sure students are aware of important class dates like when assignments are due, or when special events are planned. Checklists can help students self-monitor during ongoing projects, understand task requirements and remain organized. 

Unsure of which calendar option to use? See the Brightspace Calendar vs. Google Calendar comparison sheet.

🍎Understanding Brightspace Calendars and Checklists

Brightspace Calendar

The Brightspace Calendar can be added to the course Navbar or as a widget on the homepage. Brightspace calendars are only viewable by students.  

Brightspace Checklist

Brightspace Checklists can be added to the course Navbar or as a widget on the homepage. They can also be added to content. They are only viewable by students. 

🛠️Adding External Agendas and Calendars

Agenda Templates

Set the sharing permissions so anyone with the link can view, and then add to the Activity Feed so students AND families can view.  Weekly Agenda Templates

Monthly Agenda Templates

💡Instructional Inspiration