Learning Together 

A Site for Monarch Academy Annapolis supporting Education through Inquiry

Aprender Juntos 

5th Annual Earth Day Poster Contest 

"Let's Make this Planet a Better Place to Live" was the theme for 2022 which was inspired by 4th grade's return to Arlington Echo in February.  We asked our students to be creative and inspire action on behalf of our planet.  See our finalists here.  

The students of MAA are caring and principled guardians of the planet.  Check out their work over the years

2020, 2021 and 2022

World Mother Language Celebration 

MAA celebrated the many languages of the world for 30 days starting on January 21 and ending February 21 on the U.N.'s Mother Language Day.  Each class selected a language to greet the school on each day which appeared no the morning announcements.  MAA’s belief statement on language, starts with the assertion “We are all learners of language”.  MAA teachers are dedicated to developing language rich classrooms that celebrate multiculturalism.  Language is the critical gateway for developing into inquiry learners who care about the world.  See a sample of our students World Language Celebration through this video slideshow. 

MAA World Languages Recognition

December Virtual Learning Bitmoji FUN!

Winter School Counseling Fun!

Holiday FUN

with Mrs. Johnson

Happy Holidays to our Marvelous Monarch Scholars!  Here is a fun School Counseling Bitmoji room!

Winter fun Coyle Bitmoji

STEM and more! 

 Here are ways that you can learn & have fun over break. 



Holiday Read Alouds with Mrs. Coyle!

Dia de los Muertos 

Enjoy a collection of photos from MAA's many celebrations of Dia de Los Muertos.  Classrooms and departments have taken part my creating their own ofrendas.  ¡Disfrutar!

Earth Week is BACK.  Monarch Academy Students care about the Earth and it shows! Last year our students  shared Earth Week tips and our 4th Graders even designed a special Chesapeake Bay PSA which their teachers painted on the largest storm drain on our school's property.  Check out the final product, here

Looking Back!  Earth Week 2020

Check out our hub of resources to support our learning and exciting activities.  Find out you can honor a Black American that inspires you though our "I am..." video series. 

A Covid-19 school-wide inquiry developed to build our thinking around how we can make a difference and learn from our collective experience during Covid-19.

Los estudiantes y profesores de La Academia Monarca de Annapolis están trabajando duro durante el cierre de la escuela por el Covid-19.  El objetivo de este sitio web es compartir digitalmente oportunidades y recursos de aprendizaje enriquecidos para guiar el aprendizaje de la investigación. Uno de nuestros objetivos fundamentales como escuela candidata al Bachillerato Internacional (IB) es crear estudiantes de por vida.  Un aprendiz de toda la vida es curioso y tiene las habilidades y hábitos de la mente para sostener el aprendizaje por sí mismo.  

Si bien el cierre de nuestras escuelas presenta enormes desafíos para nuestra comunidad de aprendizaje, también vemos inmensas oportunidades para aprender juntos como una comunidad y trabajar juntos para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes a convertirse en estudiantes de toda la vida durante este difícil momento.