Monarch Academy Earth Week 2020

Monarch students came up with "50 ways to Love Mother Earth" In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.

Bug Hunts, Forests and a Bird Scavenger hunt! Learn how to identify trees and the importance of water through the AACPS Outdoor Learning Resources page.

Monarch students explored Trees and even got caught hugging a few as we continued our Earth Day learning (see below gallery). You can learn more about trees with us using the nearpod lesson above (session code: HRDKX).

Our oceans are home, or habitat, to so much aquatic life. We must keep our ocean's clean and stop overusing and dumping materials like plastic that do not break down naturally.

Water's presence in our planet and our ability to access clean water is important to ALL living things. Why water? Take this Great Aqua Adventure to learn about the systems and cycles that make water available to living things.

Water Cycle Review

Monarch Students made art from natural materials and were asked to be animal detectives in their neighborhoods. Here is a special photo gallery of their Earth Week work!

How will you go out and enjoy our local forest during Covid-19? "...Forest Therapy, also known as “Shinrin-yoku,” refers to the practice of spending time in forested areas for the purpose of enhancing health, wellness, and happiness. The practice follows the general principle that it is beneficial to spend time bathing in the atmosphere of the forest. The Japanese words translate into English as “Forest Bathing.”Check out more about this practice in the link above.

Do you want to take ACTION in support of a more sustainable and happy planet?

April 21 is an AACPS half day. Plan a litter clean up, plant a garden or take action to protect the animals and plants in your neighborhood. Help a neighbor recycle or try and new energy or water saving routine for your home! Send Mrs. Coyle ( ) a photo for our 2021 Earth Day website!