
EVO Resources


"Though she be but little, she is fierce!" 

(Shakespeare - Midsummer Night's Dream)

Ozobot Evo is a micro-robot at just 1 1/4 inches tall.  Students can code Ozobot Evo two ways: screen-free with Color Codes and on-screen with OzoBlockly.  When coding Evo, students can focus on changing light displays, robot movements, or both. The Color-Codes functionality is unique to Ozobot and a great way to transition hesitant learners into the world of coding with no additional device needed, they just need a black, blue, red and green marker. 

Important Websites:

Ozobot on Social Media


From Ozobot-  Educate


Reflection Sheet:

What You Need:

Optional Materials:

Ideas for Evo: