
ScanMedicine is a free resource produced by the UK NIHR Innovation Observatory.  It searches data from 11 clinical trial databases and provides information on devices, diagnostics and apps from the FDA database. The press release can be accessed here.

The registries searched include:

Information about ScanMedicine has been published:

Search options

Default operator Unclear

Boolean operators AND OR NOT (symbols are used: + for AND, |  for OR, - for NOT )

Phrase searching "breast cancer"


Truncation *  Note that the search also uses query expansion to find synonyms. Query expansion can be turned off by adding [only] 

to the end of the query

~N "after a word or phrase finds records containing words or phrases close to the search term(s) with N being the number of edits 

away from the original (e.g. this~1 returns results for this, thin, his)"

Field tags No, but the results can be filtered using some limits such as phase and trial status

Hyphens It is unclear whether hyphens are recognised

Help pages Click on the i symbol on the search line


Saved searches No

Export tagged Yes (CSV)

Updated 23 October 2023