International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register (ISRCTN)

23303 records are on the register (13 April 2023).

Interventional studies approved in the UK will be registered with the ISRCTN (expected to begin from end of January 2022).

This registry is also searchable under the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform Search Portal (WHO)

The registry can be searched using a browse option, a simple search or a fielded 'Advanced' search. 

It is also possible to apply filters such as Trial status, condition, recruitment country and age range.

Records include a plain language summary and a link to the trial website where available, and may also include links to trial protocols and other trial-related documents.

Results and publications fields are included.

Search options

Default operator AND

Boolean operators AND is the default. OR has to be entered in capitals. NOT is achieved by using a hyphen e.g. -term

Phrase searching "breast cancer"

Nesting Yes

Truncation The interface includes "some" automatic stemming *

Field tags It is possible to limit searches by trial status, update period, recruitment country, age, recruitment status, results status 

                                        and health condition. 

  The Advanced search offers many fielded search options

Hyphens Hyphens are treated as spaces. Hyphens are used as the NOT operator

Help pages Yes

Example (cancer OR neoplasms) AND pain

Saved searches No

Export tagged CSV (with a choice of the fields you wish to download)

Updated 13 April 2023