Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS): EU trials
This website supports access to clinical trials in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), entered since the website launch on 31 January 2022. The site will gradually contain more information as clinical trial sponsors and EU/EEA regulators use it to initiate and oversee clinical trials in the EU and EEA. Information on individual clinical trials initiated in the EU and EEA before 31 January 2022 can be found in the European Union Clinical Trials Register.
The Clinical Trials Information System with records registered since 31 January 2022 can be searched from here. The CTIS database includes 147 records (13 April 2023).
For records prior to 31 January 2022 search the EU CTR.
Search options
Default operator Basic search Choose between "search all terms" (AND) or search "one of the terms" (OR)
Boolean operators Basic Search There is only a choice to "search all terms", "one term" or "exclude a term"
Phrase searching No
Nesting No
Truncation No
Field tags Filters and fielded searching are available through the Advanced Search option
Hyphens Unclear
Help pages Yes
Saved searches There is an RSS feed option to receive updates.
Export tagged Records can be downloaded one by one. Each record is downloaded as a zipped file with all the data and files that
have been selected.
Updated 13 April 2023