Public Views, Values, Experiences: Filters

Inclusion of a search filter on this site is not an endorsement of its validity or a recommendation for its use by the editors of this site, by the InterTASC Information Specialists SubGroup or by the (UK) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). For suggestions on the appraisal of filters see the ISSG Search Filter Appraisal Checklist.

This page shows publications that have reviewed search filter performance and individual search filters.

Please note that other filter sites/filter collections may have relevant filters for this topic.

Publications that review search filter performance

No performance reviews have been identified.

Individual search filters

Database indexing changes over time and new vocabulary may be introduced.  With older filters, please check the subject indexing to ensure that the subject indexing is still current and, if not, consider whether new vocabulary may need to be added to the filter. Please note that if filters are amended, the performance may change from that published in the original articles and the filter should be reported as amended from the original filter.


Canada's Drug Agency. Filter for perspectives and experiences of patients and caregivers. [EBSCO] Last updated August 2017.

SIGN search filter [undated] [Ovid]


Campbell SM. Filter to Retrieve Studies Related to Community-Based or Participatory Research in the OVID EMBASE Database. Geoffrey & Robyn Sperber Health Sciences Library, University of Alberta, July 8, 2020. 

Wessels M, Hielkema L, van der Weijden T. How to identify existing literature on patients' knowledge, views, and values: the development of a validated search filter. J Med LibrAssoc. 2016;104(4):320-324

 SIGN search filter [undated] [Ovid]

 Wessels, M, Hielkema, L. How are we feeling today? The sensitivity of a literature search filter for patients' values and preferences. BMJ Qual Saf. 2013. 22; Suppl 1:A33.2


Masri HE, McGuire TM, Dalais C, van Driel M, Benham H, Hollingworth SA. Patient-based benefit-risk assessment of medicines: development, refinement, and validation of a content search strategy to retrieve relevant studies. J Med Libr Assoc. 2022;110(2):185-204.  [PubMed]

Campbell SM. Filter to Retrieve Studies Related to Community-Based or Participatory Research in the OVID MEDLINE Database. Geoffrey & Robyn Sperber Health Sciences Library, University of Alberta Rev. April 8, 2021. 

Flinders University. Primary Health Care Research and Information Services.(Searches can be launched from the Flinders site)

FMD(3S)/CHLA Patient perspectives search filter [2018] [Filter available for MEDLINE via PubMED]

Selva A, Solà I, Zhang Y, Pardo-Hernandez H, Haynes RB, Martínez García L, Navarro T, Schünemann H, Alonso-Coello P. Development and use of a content search strategy for retrieving studies on patients' views and preferences.Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017;15(1):126

Canada's Drug Agency. Filter for perspectives and experiences of patients and caregivers. [Ovid and PubMed] Last updated August 2017.

Rogers M, Bethel A, Boddy K. Development and testing of a medline search filter for identifying patient and public involvement in health research. Health Info Libr J. 2017. doi: 10.1111/hir.12157. [Epub ahead of print]

Wessels M, Hielkema L, van der Weijden T. How to identify existing literature on patients' knowledge, views, and values: the development of a validated search filter. J Med Libr Assoc. 2016;104(4):320-324

van Hoorn R, Kievit W, Booth A, Mozygemba K, Lysdahl KB, Refolo P, Sacchini D, Gerhardus A, van der Wilt GJ, Tummers M. The development of PubMed search strategies for patient preferences for treatment outcomes. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2016;16:88. 

SIGN search filter [undated] [Ovid]

Wessels, M, Hielkema, L. How are we feeling today? The sensitivity of a literature search filter for patients' values and preferences. BMJ Quali Saf. 2013; 22 (Suppl 1):A33.2

Petrova M; Sutcliffe P; Fulford KW; Dale J. Search terms and a validated brief search filter to retrieve publications on health-related values in Medline: aword frequency analysis study. J Am Med Informatics Assoc. 2012;19(3):479-88.


Canada's Drug Agency. Filter for perspectives and experiences of patients and caregivers. Last updated August 2017.