World Language Program Overview

Overview of the HMS World Language Program

The 5th grade program is only exploratory in design. All students take both French and Spanish for one quarter of the year as part of their unified arts rotation. This is to expose them to both languages so that they can decide which language they would like to continue in 6th grade. Students are graded on their listening comprehension and speaking skills. No formal assessments are given and there is no homework.

The 6th grade program is also only exploratory in design. Students select one language (either French or Spanish) and focus on that language for the quarter as part of their unified arts rotation. After a review of phrases and vocabulary from the 5th grade language curriculum, students are introduced to additional phrases to help them communicate in the target language. They learn to use simple vocabulary to write and tell short stories. Students also mime and draw to reinforce what they have learned. Students are assessed throughout the quarter. No written homework is given at this level.

The 7th grade program is not an exploratory program. They have class everyday all year and it is considered an academic subject. Students select either French or Spanish and they follow a two-year sequence of that language. Students will receive homework most nights as well as preparing for quizzes, tests, and projects based on ACFTL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Standards. The focus of the program is to have students learn to use the target language to communicate about their daily lives and activities. During the year, students will gain an insight into other cultures through readings, music, food, art and various projects. Students are encouraged to use the target language whenever possible in the classroom.

The 8th grade program 8th grade Spanish is the half of a two-year sequence that is equivalent to level I at the high school. Students who successfully complete level I at the middle school may sign up for level II as freshmen at the high school. Grades will be based on the ACFTL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Standards.

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, ACTFL CAN-DO STATEMENTS will provide learning targets for curriculum and unit design, serving as performance indicators. Students will learn how to chart their progress with these statements through small steps as part of an overall reflective learning process.

World-Readiness Standards For Learning Languages

A. Communication

1. Interpersonal

2. Interpretive

3. Presentational

B. Cultures

1. Practices and Perspectives

2. Products and Perspectives

C. Comparisons

1.Comparisons with Own Culture

D. Connections

1. Knowledge of Other Content Areas

2. Distinctive Viewpoints

E. Communities

1. School & Global Communities

2. Lifelong learning

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HMS World Language Standards

NCSSFL - ACTFL Can Do Statements

Proficiency Benchmarks:


Path to Proficiency

Performing toward intermediate