Unit 9

Resultado de imagen de song


The song we like


1.- Get in groups of around 4 students

2.- Agree on a song you all like (make sure the song is understandable)

3.- Communicate your decision to the teacher (one song cannot be worked by different groups)

4.- Listen to the song and try to understand it

5.- Express your feelings about the song: why do you like it?

6.- Find out about who is the author

7.- Plan 2 activities to do with your classmates in class (the most original, the better mark you will get)

8.- Present your findings to the class and make the classmates work on your activities.

Speaker 1= a) author

Speaker 2= b) song

Speaker 3= c) likes

Speaker 4= d) activities (active person) Remember to bring photocopies for your classmates if you need them.

Everyone will have to talk for at least 2 minutes without reading. It will be timed.


Grammar revision for 3rd ESO:

Present simple

Present continuous

Past simple

Past continuous

Present perfect simple

Future: be going to

Future: will

Future: present simple

Future: present continuous


Relative pronouns

Present simple passive

Past simple passive

0, 1st, 2nd conditionals

English Hilfen