
Halloween craft:

Resultado de imagen de paper pumpkin

A. Timed Reading and other activities. Write your results on your sites. Write a title for your wepage: "Halloween" under the 3rd of ESO file.

B. Play some of these games. Choose one of the games and tell me what do you think about it, on your site. Go to this game evaluation worksheet to help you.

C. The Halloween story and Tim Burton's movie and song. Answer these questions according to the Dark Shadows film.

D. Answer this webquest: http://agora.educat1x1.cat/insvilafant/moodle/pluginfile.php/30961/mod_resource/content/1/552314.pdf

E. Project:

Create a Halloween video clip.

Think of a song you like, to use its music.

Think and create the Halloween lyrics for our song.

You can use the software: movie maker, to edit the video clip.

The characters can be made of cardboard, socks or clothes, plastic or recycled material, etc. But they should be created by yourselves.

If you do not know how to start... go to: steps on how to create a movie or watch this movie.

The only conditions for this project:

1. the video should be at least 2 minutes long.

2. there should be at least a couple of characters related to Halloween.

E. Upload your movie onto your website. under your "Halloween" webpage.

An upload your lyrics to the same web site.

Sample: "We will rock you"

Zombies leave their tombs

and they can enter your rooms,

but be aware of witches

'cause they can cause you itches

They will, they will eat you, eat you!