Teen court

Vocabulary used:

Respondent , ofender – acusat

Disposition – punishment

Prosecuting attorney – abogat acusador, fiscal

Defence – abogat defensor

Resultat d'imatges de teen court




Teen Court:

Judge: Case of people versus “John Smith

Judge: Are you “John Smith”? Say your name and age.

Respondent: “John Smith”, 17 years old.

Judge: This case involves the charge of “possession narcotics

Judge: Members of the jury, it’s your duty to determine a verdict for this case.

To be sure you are impartial and able to fulfill your obligation, you have to answer these questions.

Are you friends with the respondent?

Jury: NO

Judge: Do any of you have any prejudice about this case?

Jury: NO

Judge: Respondent, do you object any member of the jury being in this case?

Respondent: NO

Judge: Having no objection, I will accept this jury.

Members of the jury, stand up and rise your right hand.

Do you solemnly swear to listen to all the evidences presented in this case and to fulfill your duty to determine a disposition appropriate and fair to the respondent?

Jury: YES

Judge: Do you solemnly swear you would not devolve any information that comes to your knowledge in this court?

Jury: YES

Judge: Let’s start

Prosecution: Opening statement (representing the laws)

Defense: Opening statement (defending the respondent)

Prosecution: Question the victim or witness…

Judge: Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give in this case is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Cross examined by the defense

Re-directed by prosecution

Defense: Question the respondent or witness…

Cross examined by the prosecution

Re-directed by defense

Prosecution: Closing arguments

Defense: Closing arguments

Judge: That concludes all the evidences.

Jury, the decision for the disposition is now on your hands. Please, after delivering, elect a person who would record your verdict.

-Time to deliverate-

The jury comes into the court again

Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict?

Jury: Yes, your honor, we have:

-community service

-written essay
