Your Mission

This is a community project. It means that communication with other teams is as important as creating innovations and products.

Here, you will find the general rules, milestones you have to follow and the products you have to create for your project.

General rules

  • The goal of this project is to develop a simulator of the behaviour of an Ecosystem that serves to demonstrates that your Company is able to construct such programs.
  • You will use the Open Office program Calc to construct this simulator. No technical information on Calc programation will be given, it's up to you to learn this.
  • You will work on teams, but you are allowed (and encouraged) to use the work of other teams, this is a collaborative project, your succes is our succes, and your failure is our succes.
  • It is compulsory to share your work: when you get a milestone accomplished, you have to release your version. You will publish your results and a Diary of the owrk of your Team.
  • If you are not able to reach a Milestone, you can begin from the work of another team. Take in account to respect de Licenses.


The project is a gradual construction, following several steps, on each step new requirements will be asked to your simulator. At each step, you will create a new Calc program. You have to include a License to your program, publish it in your platform and describe it in your Diary.

  1. Develop a simulator able to calculate the logistic growing of a population after one generation. Entry Data: K, r, No. Output: N1.
    1. Develop a simulator able to reproduce the logistic growing of a population for 15 generations. Entry Data: K, r, No. Output: N1...N15. License to your program, publish it in your platform and describe it in your Diary.
  2. As in the previous step, but do it for 8 different species in parallel, and with a 8 graphs plotting independly the growing curve. Identify the names of the species, and classify 2 species as producers, 2 as primary consumers, 2 as secondary consumers, and 2 as tertiary consumers.
  3. As in the previous step, but your simulator have to calculate also the Kg of biomass for each generation for each species, and plot it in the same graph of the growing curve. Assume that each species have a number of Kg per individual= 2/r
  4. Your simulator has to build a Biomass pyramid. Plot the Biomass pyramids for all the 15 generations.
  5. Your simulator has to incorporate new Entry Data Fields: 1) Total amount (in grs) of Oxygen in the ecosystem, 2) Total amount of Carbon Dioxyde (in grs) in the ecosystem. These values should be recalculated and plotted together for each generation, assuming that: there is a Oxygen-consuming rate and a Carbon Dioxyde-generation rate that depends on the total animal biomass. There is a Carbon Dioxyde-consuming rate and a Oxygen-generation rate that depends on the total vegetable Biomass. Include these 4 new parameters as entry data and get stable plots for Oxygen and Carbon Dioxyde.
  6. Include predation for the calculation of the population from one generation to the next one. Set it as an Entry Data: the predation rate= number of individuals predated/individuals hunting. Assume that each stage of the biomass pyramid predates only the previous one. Find the parameters to avoid the extinction of any species.
  7. Each team can choose which goal wants to develop for this step. Some ideas: including water constraints in the ecosystem, aplying interspecific ecological relationships (predation, parasitism, simbiosis,..), calculating changes on r or K depending on the circumstances of the environment (water, Oxygen, biomass of the previous stage,...). Specify on your Diary anf Files page the goals you have tried to develop.

Team Duties

  • To keep a Diary of the work of each session (both Team or Expert Sessions). The diary must contain the problems encountered, the proposed solutions and the results obtained.
  • To develop a Calc Program, following the standards and the proposed milestones. To publish a File for each Milestione, correctly Licensed and with information about if it is a Beta (provisional, not tested) or a Release (Definitive, tested).