
Your teams will be authors of their work, and it means that you will need to take decisions about copyrights.

Your teams must be able to:

  • Choose an appropiate License to publish the products (Files and Diaries) (in this project, it is compulsory to share, but there are several ways of sharing: allowing/not allowing to copy,...)
    • Decide if you can use or not the products of another team, depending on the Licenses.

Your Duties as Licenses Expert Group:

  • Supervise that the contents offered on the platform of your teams are correctly Licensed.
  • Detect Copyright infrictments (Authors not mentioned, etc...).
  • Construct a phylogenetic tree, representing all the Files generated by each Team, including for each File, the used License. We will call it the Copyright Tree. The tree will have several ancestral Files, and show which Files have been used as a departing point by other Teams, which Files have not been used by anyone, etc.

Some interesting ressources on Licensing that you should read carefully: