6th and 7th Grade Afterschool Beginning Band

Every year after the holidays, I put together a group called the 6th and 7th grade beginning after school band. This group is COMPLETELY optional; however, it is a really fun group to be a part of!

This group rehearses on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30 and they have the opportunity to begin playing concert music rather than sticking to the material from the Standard of Excellence Book. Students that participate in this group typically become advanced enough on their instruments to make all-county band the following year. This is a great opportunity for your child to receive more music instruction if they really love band. The cost of participating in this group is $10, which covers a band t-shirt and a new band book that is specifically concert music.

Our last meeting in April will consist of a small performance for parents right after school in the band room followed by a trip to Countryside Lanes in Kernersville for a fun afternoon of bowling to celebrate their hard work!