Student Work

Daily Work - Website

It is an important part of the learning process for our students to complete their work on time. Any work not submitted when due will receive a grade of zero and be marked as both late and missing in Skyward for communication purposes. Once the assignment is submitted, I will update the gradebook accordingly. 

Late homework may be turned in the next day and receive 80% of the earned grade; work that is turned in after this may receive 50% of the earned grade. This is the policy for all sixth-grade classes. 

If a student is absent from school, I will mark any assignments as such in Skyward which will show the assignment as "missing" only for communication purposes; there will not be a grade entered until the assignment is submitted. Absent work is never penalized when submitted within a timely manner. Students will receive, at minimum, the same number of days to complete the work as the number of days they were absent. 

There are several opportunities throughout the day for students to work on homework including class time, Homework Club during recess, and during our daily academic time. Your child should be spending no more than one hour per evening on homework. If you find students are spending an excessive amount of time on homework, please reach out to me so that we can discuss. It is important to me that we maximize the use of our time during the day so that our students and families have the time they need after school.

Students are responsible for completing their assignment books throughout the day. I will remind students of all assignments during our homeroom time together at the end of the day. This website serves as an additional resource to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding daily homework assignments. Please see below.