Class ABC's- Getting to know how the classroom runs!



Arrival and Dismissal

Excused Absences - Written documentation supporting reasons for absences must be submitted to school-level principals or uploaded to Skyward within three (3) school days. Even though a parent may phone the school, a written notice must also be sent to the school, emailed to the attendance clerk, or uploaded to Skyward. Written documentation shall include the reason for absence, date, time (ex. Dentist appointment 8:00 am to 9:30 am), parent signature, and phone number. After that time has elapsed, the absences will become permanently unexcused.

Unexcused Absences -

1. Students who are absent for reasons not covered in the provisions as described under “Excused Absences” are considered “Unexcused.” Daily class work may be made up for a grade and the student may make up tests or project assignments.

2. Students who have had five (5) or more unexcused absences within a school year have -19- violated the attendance laws of the State of Tennessee. The name of each child who is absent without excuse for five (5) days during the school year must be reported to the Director of Schools or his/her designated representative, as required by TCA 49-6 3007. This refers to a total of five (5) days, and does not necessarily mean five (5) consecutive days.

School begins at 7:30 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. The first bell rings at 7:15 AM and students are tardy after the second bell at 7:30 AM. Car riders are released once bus riders have fully dismissed from the hall. Bus riders go to their bus rooms at 2:20 PM. If you are late picking your child up please find them in the office.

Please make sure to make any transportation changes prior to 1:00 to ensure teachers know with plenty of time to spare.


Behavior Management


Book Orders

Our classroom is a small community where teamwork and good relationships are expected. To establish a positive learning environment and promote self-control, students will be guided to respect themselves and their peers. (see rules)

Good behavior, kindness toward others, and dedicated work are rewarded by dojo points and coins on their ten frame. (see rewards)

Poor behavior choices and not following the rules result in losing coins or points in Dojo and an immediate consequence. (see consequences)

We use Class Dojo mainly to reward behaviors. A letter will be sent home so that you can login and see what they're doing daily!

Birthdays are special occasions for us! If you wish to send in special goody bags full of small trinkets for the class to celebrate your child’s birthday, please let me know in advance. Also remember we are no longer having food for birthdays. That means no more cupcakes or ice cream.

I will be sending home Scholastic Book Orders throughout the year for you and your child to look over and consider. Please make sure to check the return date on the front of the flyer if you are considering ordering books.



Contact Information

Daily Consequences

I recognize that no one can be expected to follow the rules 100% of the time. When children make mistakes in following the rules, I’ll help them solve the problems caused by their mistakes through the use of “logical consequences”.

Logical consequences are not punishments. They are always to help children see the effects of their actions, repair the situation, and learn to do better next time.

There are three basic kinds of logical consequences:

#1: Take a break-If a child is losing self-control, she/he goes to a designated spot outside the classroom to cool off. The break is short. The child comes back as soon as she/he has regained control.

#2: Loss of privilege-If a child misuses materials or acts out during an activity, she/he will be told to stop using the material or doing the activity for a short period of time. The privilege will be restored when the child and teacher have talked about how to prevent a similar problem in the future. Each loss of coin equals one lap around the playground before they can play at recess that day.

#3: "You break it, you fix it”-If a child damages something or hurts another’s feelings, she/he will try to fix the damage. In the case of hurting feelings, the child might offer an apology of action- Ex: writing a card, helping with an activity, making an illustration, or taking some other action beyond verbally saying sorry. In the case of damaging something. Ex: If a child knocks over someone's school box...they will pick up the mess they made.

*If offense is small you will not get a note home in their folder or on Class Dojo about it. If it continues to be a problem you will get a Dojo message, email, or phone call about it. Of course, on Class Dojo you will be able to see very specific details on what may have happened that day to lead to the note or call home.

If you need to contact me for any reason, here is my information. Of course, if it is urgent, please call the office instead.

  • Phone number: 615-754-1800
  • Email:
  • Room number: 706

Class Dojo

We implement Class Dojo in our classroom! If your child comes home talking about points for their monster, this is what they are talking about! Children earn points for positive behavior on specific behaviors like helping others, working hard, and being kind. This is a great visual for children to be mindful of the good choices they make. They can also have points taken away for certain behaviors like running, not working as a teammate, or being off task. Points are accumulated and however many points they have at the end of the week can be "cashed" in for a coupon. They can also choose to save up more points for a better coupon! For example, if they have 20 points they can switch seats with a classmate. If your child says they have a coupon to bring a stuffed animal to class, then you can allow them to bring one in (that will fit in their backpack).

You will be able to see every point they're getting throughout the day! You can download the app on your phone or you can check on a computer. I will send home step-by-step instructions on how you can do this. You can also message me on the app and I will message back quickly. Actually, Class Dojo is my preferred method of communication! Points will be given and taken away, so don't worry about your child losing points unless I contact you about it. I would love to see everyone on Class Dojo this year!


Dress Code


Rutland Elementary administration will determine the appropriateness of the dress in all questionable circumstances. For details on our dress code please visit

Here are some of the basics:

§ Shoulders must be covered

Pants must fit properly at the waist or otherwise have a belt

Children are encouraged to bring bottled water to keep on their desk. Juice/tea is not allowed because of accidental spills and sticky residue. Some children like to bring a bottle of water to take to gym on P.E. day, as well.


Emergency Closings

For emergency day closings or early dismissals, you will receive an automated phone call from our director of schools. If the school is closing due to too many absences and sick cases then you will know on the Thursday before the closing. It will be sent to your email, you will receive a phone call, you can check Wilson County’s Facebook page, or go to the Wilson County website and a message should appear in red on the home page.

A weather emergency form will be sent home at the beginning of the year for you to fill out. I will use that form to ensure your child is going where you want them to in case of emergencies.


Field Trips

We will not have field trips this year, but I hope to take the kids on virtual ones! :)


Grading Scale

The grading scale is as follows:

E: Exceeds Expectations 100-93

S: Satisfactory 92-85

N: Needs Improvement 84-75

U: Unsatisfactory 74-0


Help at Home


Your extra help at home really makes a difference! Staying involved in your child’s learning experience is vital because you are your child’s best teacher. As you know, this year will be totally different from what we are used to. If we end up going remote, the kids may need help with technology issues or daily tasks that are given.

Your child will have homework to practice and reinforce reading and math skills we have learned in the classroom. The homework will be sent home in their homework folder and will be kept in their backpack throughout the week. The folder will be sent home on Mondays and taken up on Fridays to check. More details will come home once we start homework.

If we change to remote, we will not do homework. The homework will be the daily tasks/assignments that are given throughout the day.



Independent Learners

The decision to keep your child home from school can be a difficult one. For the sake of your sick child, the other students, and myself, please do not send your child to school if they are sick or running a fever. If your child becomes ill at school (fever, vomiting, or other serious injury), the nurse will request that you or someone pick them up as soon as arrangements can be made. Unfortunately, I am only allowed to send a child to the nurse for one of the following reasons: fever, vomiting, serious injury, or to receive medicine provided by you. Any other situation I will take care of to the best of my ability in class and inform you if I think it needs your attention (like small cuts or bruising)

It is my goal for each child to grow as an independent learner and reader this year. Please encourage and foster independence at home so that they may become more confident. Some helpful tools to learn at home would be tying shoes, learning how to open foods/snacks, cleanliness, putting on jackets, etc.



Lunch Money

Our lunch schedule will be announced on the back of the weekly newsletter. We will not have visitors this year but hope to resume lunch visitors next year!

The weekly amount for lunch is listed below. It is best to send in your child's money in their binder or deposit it into your child’s account electronically on the Wilson County Website (School Cafe). Please send money in the money/notes bag in your child’s notebook.


Student = $1.50

Reduced = $.30

Wilson County Employee = $2.50

Adult Visitor = $3.00

Youth Visitor = $2.50


Elementary = $2.00

Student Reduced = $.40

Wilson County Employee = $3.00

Adult Visitor = $3.50

Youth Visitor = $3.00




Mrs. Conatser

Any medicines (including cough drops) must be given to the office by a parent.

There are many things throughout the year that require money being sent in with our child (field trips, book orders, and yearbook). As stated with lunch money, please send in either a sealed envelope or small baggie labeled with your child’s name, my name, and the activity being used for in the money/notes pocket. ***If your child has a sibling in the school, and you wish to write a check PLEASE write individual checks. The office has asked us to send the check back since we are only allowed to record and accept money for the students in OUR classroom. I am sorry for this as I know it becomes an inconvenience.

A little about me: I am a seventh-year teacher. My first five years were at Watertown Elementary where I was nominated Teacher of the Year the last year. I graduated from Athens State University which is in the northern part of Alabama. I have a degree in Special Education K-12 and Elementary Education K-5. My hometown is Rogersville, Alabama. Some interesting facts about me... I married Michael Conatser in March of 2015 and that is what brought me to this location. We live here in Mt. Juliet and LOVE it. I have a twin sister and a younger sister who looks like our triplet. I love chocolate, outdoors, sports, my family, our dog Harper, and reading. :)




I will send a weekly newsletter home each Monday with information regarding upcoming events, opportunities, reminders, sight words, and math skills for the week. It is front and back so make sure to read both sides. This is located on my website as well. Please read carefully! :)

We have a wonderful school nurse. She takes great care of our children. She will call either you or an emergency contact if your child becomes ill at school and will also alert you of any injuries.


Parent Involvement

Parties & Celebrations

I usually ask for A LOT of volunteers throughout the school year! This year we will sadly not be able to have any AT school, but I may ask for help if it’s something you can do from home! I always appreciate you all and your support for your children and myself.

As holidays and/or special occasions approach, I will send more information home regarding our celebrations. Please let me know if you have a special circumstance that may prevent your child from participating…I am happy to accommodate. We will have crafts and games for all to be involved!



If you have any questions about your child’s first grade year or about our school’s procedures, please feel free to call me or the school and we will do our best to give you answers. You can also always email me, call, or message me on Class Dojo, as well.



Related Arts


Report Cards



We play outside each day depending on the weather. Please keep this in mind when helping your child choose clothes for the day.

Every day we visit a related arts class for extended learning. Lunch time and their related arts schedule will be on the newsletter every week. Please remember to have your child wear appropriate clothes/shoes on our gym day.

We can message each other through the class dojo app for day-to-day discussions. I check class dojo all day! I also like to send pictures of the activities we do through Dojo and reminders about picture day or field trip information.

Report cards go home every 9 weeks with a progress report every 4 ½ weeks. They are a reflection of your child’s progress towards various objectives throughout the grading period. You will be able to view all of their grades any time you want on Skyward. Let me know if you need help figuring out how to do this. I have linked Skyward on our mobile smart website for easy access.

Good behavior is always recognized in our classroom. Verbal praise and positive contacts with parents (phone call or note home) will be big rewards for good behavior. Additional rewards are as follows:

*Your child will be recognized for good choices by putting a choice coin on their ten frame. When they fill up their ten frame they will get out of the treasure box.

Warm and Fuzzy Jar- This is the whole class reward. I have pirate characters that are used to fill the jar up. If the class receives compliments by an adult other than me, they get to put a pirate in the jar. Once the whole jar is full they will get a class party of their choice, we will vote to decide what that reward is.

Students will earn points throughout the day on Class Dojo for the little things that build a proper classroom environment. Students will earn points for accountable talk, good teamwork, hard work, listening well, encouraging others, staying on task, and more.

My goal is to raise awareness of positive behaviors for those who may need that extrinsic motivation. A lot of students have an intrinsic motivation to make good choices so earning points will put a focus on those great choices for the other students who need good role models. Students will be able to cash in their points on Fridays for fun coupons!

  • To keep our classroom a positive community of learners we must:

· Follow directions quickly

· Raise your hand for permission to speak

· Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat

· Make smart choices

Also throughout the year we will also be focusing on some rules that are not posted including:

· Be a good friend

· Raise your hand

· Encourage and help others

· Share

· Walk, don’t run

· Help clean up


Sight Words


At the end of first grade it is my goal that every child knows all of the words on their 1st grade Fry sight word lists. Each child will move through the lists at their own pace. I have additional lists to give your child when they finish the 1st grade Fry words to keep them challenged.

Everyone will start on the first 100 list (kindergarten) as a review. Once they have read their list to me and I have checked off that they read them without mistake, I will give them the next list to practice! Students will be given 5-10 sight words a week to practice at home.

For more details, go to the "sight word" tab at the top of this page.

We will have a quick snack each day. Each child will bring their own small snack each day. This can be something very basic like goldfish or cereal. If anyone would like to send in extra snack for those students who do not have any that would also be greatly appreciated.




Being on time to school is essential for optimal teaching and learning. Your child is tardy at 7:30 AM. If you arrive after this time, you will need to sign in through the front office.

Excessive tardies will have a consequence for your child and will count against perfect attendance.

Please make sure I know how your child gets home from school. In the event of a transportation change, please message on Dojo or send an email. If I have not responded then call the office and provide them with the appropriate information. They will email me so that I am also aware. If you know of the change before school, please inform me through email or message me on Class Dojo. If not, you must inform the office prior to 1:00. Afterwards it is too difficult to contact all teachers for these changes.



Visitors will go to the vestibule located in the front of the building to check out students or drop off items. Visitors will not be allowed in the building this year due to current circumstances!



The school website is . For school announcements, events, and information just visit the Rutland Elementary page!

Our class website is updated weekly. If you lose your newsletter or need to know what event is coming up just visit our website here or our smart class website on your phone! You can bookmark this page on your phone or you can also visit it through our mobile smart class website. This is our website's link .

I have also found that the following websites are excellent for your own needs and questions, as well as extra practice for your child:



eXtra Clothes

Although it is not required, I STRONGLY suggest sending in an extra pair of underwear and change of pants for your child. Accidents happen especially at the beginning of the school year. We do not have a restroom in the classroom and the children are allowed to go when they need to; however, we all know accidents can happen. If you would like to send extra clothes please do so in a bag with your child’s name on it to be kept in their backpack.



It’s hard to get back into the school routine when it’s still summer outside. However, it is so important to make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep. (Doctors recommend at least 8-10 hours for a 6 year old child.)

* Please place this in the front of your take home

notebook as a reference.

Thank You!!!

I look forward to a great year with you and your child! :)