Community Development

Post date: May 03, 2019 6:32:34 PM


Permit volume is starting to pick up as we expected. In the past 2 weeks over 1.5 million dollars in residential work has been applied for. We are working on plan reviews for two new single family homes in South Williamstown as well as several large additions and major renovations of existing homes. Progress is also going well at the 330 Cole apartments. The project is right on schedule. We also are continuing to work with several folks on design and permitting for other new homes in town. We are expecting several additional permits for single family construction over the next couple of months. 2021 will likely be the biggest year for single family construction in quite some time.


Jeff continues to work with regional partners on COVID related issues including the state's vaccination program. He has also seen an uptick in plan review activity due to the surge in interest in single family home construction. There's also been inquires lately about new restaurants as folks are seeing the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel


The Planning Board has finalized its proposed bylaw amendments. Please visit their website for information on all of the proposals. A public hearing will be held on April 13.

Conservation Commission has an extensive agenda this week which is also directly related to the residential construction surge in town.

Zoning Board of Appeals will be meeting on the Phelps family's Sweetbrook Farm property on Wednesday morning at 9 AM. AT&T will be conducting a balloon test to simulate the impact of a cell phone tower proposed for the site. The proposed tower would fill a long standing coverage gap in South Williamstown.

Construction has begun on the long awaited bike path. Maximillian from Pittsfield is the general contractor working for MassDOT. There has been some community concern about tree clearing along the route. Tree clearing along the area between Arnold Street and the Green River is larger than one might expect due to stormwater infrastructure being installed in the area and the need to bring in a crane for construction of the Green River bridge.