Great Northeast Shakeout

Post date: Oct 08, 2020 8:33:2 PM

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

Dear Partners:

COVID-19. Wildfires in the West. Hurricanes in the Atlantic. “Murder Hornets” thankfully not in Massachusetts. What’s next in 2020? - Earthquakes?

While earthquakes can’t be predicted, earthquakes occur in Massachusetts and it’s important that residents know how to be safe when the earth shakes. While damaging earthquakes are rare here, Seismic Hazard Maps from the USGS show Massachusetts as having a moderate risk of earthquakes.

Given all that we’ve gone through with COVID-19, preparing for another kind of emergency is probably the last thing any of us want to think about. But as we’ve seen elsewhere in the country, disasters don’t wait for a pandemic to end. On October 15th at 10:15 a.m., millions of people across the country in schools, businesses, government offices, organizations, and households will participate in the Great ShakeOut earthquake drill by practicing “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” and other aspects of their emergency plans. While workplaces, schools, and other environments continue to change, we can and should still practice how to be safe when an earthquake happens. Whether people are in the office, in school, or on a video-conference, the Great Northeast ShakeOut is an easy and low-stress way to promote emergency preparedness.

You can find more detailed information and event registration at The Shakeout website has information on how various organizations can participate including how government agencies and facilities can participate and graphics and resources

Many businesses, schools, and organizations also use the drill to practice and test other aspects of their emergency plans (notifications, communications, evacuation, etc). Participation is entirely voluntary and organizations can choose their level of involvement. Please consider joining the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the USGS, and millions of people across the country in participating in this drill. Please share information about this event with your stakeholders and the public to help improve earthquake preparedness across the Commonwealth.