1Berkshire Empower Hour

Post date: Oct 02, 2020 1:46:20 PM

Hello Berkshire County Municipal Leaders,

We are reaching out today in the hopes that you can share the below information within your community networks as to get this opportunity in front of as many potentially interested individuals as possible.

Do you know anyone...

    • Who has an idea for a business that has been bouncing around for some time?

    • Or who has a side hustle they’d like to make really profitable?

    • Someone unemployed who is trying to figure out if this is the time to start their own thing?

We’ve put together a special event to give them the support, encouragement and resources they need. And they even get a $50 micro-grant for participating.

EforAll Berkshire County and 1Berkshire are collaborating with the Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation to present The Empower Hour Plus on Thursday, October 29th from 5-7pm.

(flyer is attached)

A group of just 25 people will have direct access to startup business experts and specialists at no cost...and will even get a $50 micro-grant to jump start their efforts.

The program will include “How we did it,” the inspirational story from the founders of Berkshire Cider Works in North Adams. Then you’ll join your choice of small group breakouts on:

    • Incorporating and other legal issues for startup businesses: Attorney Pamela Green

    • Marketing and branding your new business: Roger Matus of Business Growth Catalyst

    • Setting up your recordkeeping, accounting, bookkeeping: Carol Ann Strickling of Organization Ink

    • How do I fund my new business---what are my options? Richard Griffin of MassDevelopment

    • Do I need permits and licenses? Nate Joyner of the City of Pittsfield

    • What’s first? How do I get started? Deborah Gallant, EforAll Berkshire County

    • Trends and markets in the Berkshires: Ben Lamb, 1Berkshire

Because of limited capacity, we are accepting applications from would-be entrepreneurs for these 25 valuable places.

Who do you know who would benefit from this unique opportunity? Here is the online link to apply: http://bit.ly/empowerhourapply

If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to EforAll Berkshire County Program Manager Casey O’Donnell at berkshire-county@eforall.org or phone at 833-336-7255 X7209.

Thanks for supporting our efforts to build the economy here in Berkshire County!




Kevin Pink

Economic Development Coordinator
