Community Development

Post date: Oct 25, 2018 8:2:4 PM


Ryan and Tim have been performing progress inspections. Major projects are on schedule but no large milestones have been hit recently.


Jeff has recently attended Sealer's training and DEP training.


The Planning Board voted 4 to 1 to recommend Town Meeting approve amendments to the rules for accessory dwelling units. They also voted unanimously to make it easier to build duplexes in town.

Conservation Commission recently met to do some work on assigning the various town properties controlled by the Con Com to individual board members. This is to help facilitate more land stewardship by the Con Com. Commissioners also unanimously voted to extend new 3 year terms to Kim Wells and the Chenail Brothers to farm the Lowry and Burbank lots.

ZBA meets on Thursday evening to look at 5 petitions. Included in the agenda are the petition for a marijuana farm on Blair Road as well as the administration building for the High School.