Small Town Summit - Charlemont

Post date: Apr 15, 2016 3:21:37 PM

Dear Town Officials,

The Charlemont Select Board will host a Small Town Summit on Thursday, May 5th at 7:00pm. An informational flyer about the summit, which will be held at Hawlemont Elementary School in Charlemont, is attached for your reference. We would welcome your presence or that of your staff at this event.

Briefly, the purpose of this meeting is to give elected officials, particularly select board and finance committee members, from small towns in western Massachusetts an opportunity to compare notes about the needs of our towns and to find ways we might be able to work together on these issues.

We know that many small towns in western Massachusetts, including Charlemont, currently are facing common and serious challenges. To that end, we thought it would be helpful to bring representatives of these towns together to:

• Review issues facing small town Massachusetts

• Share solutions that each of us has found helpful

• Consider a small town response to the legislature concerning our collective needs.

To RSVP or if you have any questions about the event, please contact the Charlemont Town Administrator, Peg Dean, at 413-339-4335, ext 8



Beth Bandy, Chair Sarah Reynolds Toby Gould

Charlemont Select Board