Council on Aging

Post date: Oct 21, 2015 8:47:48 PM

Ida Patella from Berkshire Housing will be at the Harper Center at 12:30 on Tuesday January 26 to talk about a new program she is coordinating. This program, called the Family Mentor Program, is a new option for Berkshire County residents. The goal of the program is to provide advocacy to families in need of support and guidance to become more reliant. There are enormous challenges for people to get along on limited budgets and with limited resources, some folks need more help making choices than others do. Not all families are headed by younger individuals and older folks may be quite familiar with a younger family in need of support. This program has a potential to be a resource for all ages and all are welcome. A pizza luncheon at noon precedes the conversation with Ida, contact the Harper Center at 458.8250 for information.

Tax season is upon us and the wonderful volunteers from the AARP Tax Aide program will again hold forth in the confines of the Harper Center on Tuesday evenings beginning Tuesday February 2 and continuing through April 12th. Sessions with a Tax Aide are free and open to participants of any age and modest income. Participants should be prepared to spend an hour at their session and should bring all pertinent documents for filing as well as their 2014 tax return paperwork. Tax aides will complete each participants state and federal income taxes during the session- reservations are required and can be made by contacting the Harper Center at 458.8250.

It’s time for senior town residents who hold a swim pass from the COA to utilize the Williams College pool to renew their passes-stop in at the Harper Center between 8A.M.and 4P.M. Monday through Friday to complete the necessary paperwork. Individuals interested in the swim option can contact Brian at the Harper Center for information.

A new exercise program focusing on fall prevention has started at the COA. Led by COA Exercise Instructor Jane Jezouit the class is focused entirely on exercises and strategies to enhance balance and reduce the risk of falls in the senior population. Falling is a leading cause of injury, unnecessary institutional placement and even death , our goal is simply to reduce the potential for falling through exercise. Classes are held at the Harper Center on Monday afternoons at 2:30 and Thursday morning at 11:00. This class is funded thru an incentive grant won by Williamstown from the Massachusetts Association of COA’s.

Another new option from the COA is a newly begun caregiver support group. Caregiver support groups provide care and community to those of us who are providing care to others. It’s an opportunity for people to meet, share ideas, a cup of coffee and relax with others who know what it means to be a caregiver. Led by Judy Bombardier, the support group meets monthly on the third Wednesday at the Harper Center at 2:30. All caregivers their families and friends are welcome. Contact the COA for information. The next group meeting is scheduled for Wednesday February 17.

The Caregiver Support Group is also funded by a grant from Massachusetts COA.

The reality of our lives is that we all die and leave someone behind. Some of us need support as we travel along that road and that’s where a Hospice organization comes in. Here at the COA we speak with individuals facing loss who would benefit from support but have no idea where to get it. On Thursday January 28 at 1:00, June Green from Hospice Care in the Berkshires will be at the Harper Center to speak on the subject of Hospice Basics. She’ll tell us about the programs a Hospice agency has available, talk about insurance coverage issues and how to actually access these services. Refreshments will be served, this event is open to all.