
5th Grade Homework Policy

Dear Parents and Students,

We all want students to be successful in school and part of this means completing homework in a timely and accurate manner. Homework will not be assigned just for the sake of doing work at home, but rather as a way of completing the goals and standards set forth by the state. Our goal is to create a sense of responsibility in the students so they perform to the best of their ability.

Student Responsibilities

We expect students to do their best job on their homework. We expect homework to be neat and not sloppy. We expect students to do their own work and only ask for help after they have made their best effort. We expect all homework and class work to be turned in on time. Please take the time to have your child read their assignment notebook to you every evening.

What if homework is NOT completed?

If students choose not to do their homework, they are also choosing to lose certain privileges. The student may lose a variety of privileges such as recesses and other in-school activities. This time will be used to make up the missing assignment(s). If there is a reason why the work could not be completed on time, please send a hand-written note to the teacher on the day it is due and the student will receive a one-day extension. This note must be signed by the parent/guardian. Absent work does not apply. In order to prepare for the expectations of middle school, we have decided to enact a similar policy that will deduct a percentage of their grade per day up to five days. After the fifth day no points will be awarded. Chronically late work may affect your child’s success and grade.

Parent’s homework responsibilities

Parents are key to making homework a positive experience for their children. Therefore we ask that parents make homework a top priority by providing necessary supplies, a quiet place to work, a set homework time, and praise for working hard. Please do not let students avoid the work that is necessary for their success in 5th grade. Also, parents are asked to sign certain assignments and your child’s planner to help enhance communication and understanding between home and school.

Teacher’s homework responsibilities

Mrs. Riedasch and Mr. Kjentvet will be available to clarify instructions and in most cases we will allow students to make corrections. We view homework as necessary to strengthen the concepts taught in the classroom. We will make contact with parents if we see students neglecting their responsibility. Our goal is to prepare students as they move on to middle school. If parents have concerns about any of the homework assigned to their child, we encourage and welcome you to contact us. Communication is key to the success of our partnership in the education of your student.

Please read and discuss this policy with your child and anyone involved in his/her academic career.