West Branch Coaching Cycle
Lindsay Seydel
PK-6 Reading Coach
What you might see:
Observing classrooms
Designing appropriate instructional strategies
Supporting universal core
Analyzing literacy data/student work
Supporting grade-level PLCs
Facilitating PD
Assisting with intervention design
Dana Williams
PK-12 Personalized Learning/STEAM Integration Coach
What you might see:
Classroom observations
Small group, individual collaboration
Designing appropriate instructional strategies
Facilitating PD
Guiding implementation of STEAM related programming and technology
Integration and facilitation of Project-Based Learning
Jessica Taylor
5-12 Assessment/Data Coach
What you might see
Classroom observations
Small group, individual collaboration
Analysis of student learning (classroom & standardized)
Designing appropriate instructional strategies
Facilitating PD
What Instructional Coaching Is and Is Not
Instructional coaching is...
highly individualized, job-embedded professional development
founded on trust
observation based
developmental and growth- oriented
differentiated and based on professional goals and individual growth
Instructional coaching is not...
a means of comparing teachers' skill or efficacy levels
about 'fixing someone'
New Teacher Center 2015