5G Library Skills

Welcome to 5th Grade Library Skills! This new class will be a continuation of teaching and learning about the library's organization with a higher concentration on non-fiction, electronic, and research skills.

What to expect this school year:

This year we will be using Google Classroom and this website for all our school work. We will continue to build on the research skills from last school year doing project-based learning.

Please make sure you read the library rules on the home page of this website.

This year in library you will:

Fall 2023 The Literary Cat.pdf

The Literary Cat

Click on the newsletter at left for the first semester news in the library!

Google Classroom for 5th Grade Library!

This year all 5th grade students will be using Google Classroom for library. This allows students to access assignments and submit them without ever having to use paper!

Depending on the assignment, students can receive immediate grades. Parents can also monitor upcoming assignments and student progress.