WMS Football


  • 9/12 REMINDER: You must have completed Impact testing in order to play on Wednesday!

You will be dismissed after the conclusion of period 6. You will gather all your belongings that you will need to bring home, report to the locker room, get suited up for the game, and report to the bus for a 1:45 departure. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING IN TOUCH WITH YOUR PERIOD 7 TEACHER BEFORE BY MONDAY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MISSED CONTENT AND ASSIGNMENTS. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH YOUR TEACHER IF YOU HAVE A TEST/QUIZ THAT DAY IN ORDER TO TAKE IT EARLY OR THE FOLLOWING DAY. I will be sending an email to your teachers as well to give them all of this information.

  • 9/5- PRACTICE TODAY IS IN GYM A at 2:45. Wear gym clothes and sneakers. Bring your helmet up to the gym!
  • 9/4- NO HELMETS TOMORROW-Athletic clothes and cleats until all players are fitted for gear
  • 8/30 -Parent meeting will be held on Tuesday at 4:30 in the WMS Cafeteria. Please share this info with your parent/guardian. We will be reviewing many of the topics we talked about during our players meeting this week. Players: FYI, I am also aiming to hand out equipment on Wednesday of next week.
  • 8/29- If you wear contacts and/or use an inhaler, players often find it helpful to leave a spare/s in the med kit.
  • 8/29- If you left your box of S'mores Pop-tarts in my room after our Wednesday meeting, come pick them up! (...and eat healthier snacks! )
  • 8/28 -Ask Mr. Fredricks about getting a lock in PE, ASAP!

**Be sure to register online, complete the Impact testing, and have an updated physical brought to the school Nurse in order to participate on August 28th!


Official Game Schedule

*Parent meeting: 4:30pm (WMS Cafeteria)

*Bus leaves at 2:45 pm for all AWAY contests. Be dressed and ready to catch the bus outside of GYM A.

*Practices = Monday-Friday 2:50 pm - 5pm

*Practice Location: Sprague Field (I encourage you to bring water to each practice and game)

"Unofficial" 2019 Schedule


Players are provided helmets, shoulder pads, lower pads, and game uniforms for the duration of the season. Players are encouraged to purchase their own girdle (see below). Should any player have a financial situation that doesn't allow them to purchase their own girdle or cleats, please email me directly.

Players may use their own equipment assuming it fits appropriately.

8th Grade Copy Summer Dates 2019.pdf