ความรู้พื้นฐานวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์ ระดับชั้น ป.1




สมัครเรียนวิชาความรู้พื้น...ะดับชั้น ป.1 ‎(การตอบกลับ)‎

ชื่อวิชา ความรู้พื้นฐานวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์ ระดับชั้น ป.1

ผู้สอน นายกรีชา ขัติประทุม หัวหน้างานสารสนเทศ โรงเรียนดาราวิทยาลัย


เพื่อนักเรียนมีความสามารถในการเขียนโปรแกรมเบื้องต้น รู้จักการคิดและแก้ปัญหาอย่างเป็นระบบ


นักเรียนระดับชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 1 โรงเรียนดาราวิทยาลัย จำนวน 20 คน

การเข้าเรียนออนไลน์ code.org


Lesson 1: Happy Maps [U] - At the root of all computer science is something called an algorithm. The word “algorithm” may sound like something complicated, but really it’s just a list of instructions that someone can follow to achieve a result. To provide a solid base for the rest of your students’ computer science education, we’re going to focus on building a secure relationship with algorithms.

Lesson 2: Move It, Move It [U] - This lesson will help students realize that in order to give clear instructions, they need a common language. Students will practice controlling one another using a simple combination of hand gestures. Once they understand the language, they will begin to "program" one another by giving multiple instructions in advance.

Lesson 3: Jigsaw: Learn to drag and drop - In this first online activity students will become familiar with basic mouse use and the block-based programming interface they will be using throughout the course. Students will begin by simply dragging images on screen and then progress to dragging puzzle pieces into the proper order.

Lesson 4: Maze: Sequence - In this first online activity students will become familiar with basic mouse use and the block-based programming interface they will be using throughout the course. Students will begin by simply dragging images on screen and then progress to dragging puzzle pieces into the proper order.

Lesson 5: Maze: Debugging - In this series of puzzles, students will build on the understanding of algorithms learned in the Happy Maps and Move It Unplugged activities. Featuring characters from the game Angry Birds, students will develop sequential algorithms to move a bird from one side of the maze to the pig at the other side.

Lesson 6: Real-Life Algorithms: Plant a Seed [U] - In this lesson, students will relate the concept of algorithms back to everyday real-life activities by planting an actual seed. The goal here is to start building the skills to translate real-world situations to online scenarios and vice versa.

Lesson 7: Bee: Sequence - In this lesson students will help their bees to collect nectar from flowers and create honey in honeycombs. This builds on the Maze levels by adding action blocks to the movement blocks students are already familiar with.

Lesson 8: Artist: Sequence - In this lesson students will take control of the Artist to complete simple drawings on the screen.

Lesson 9: Building a Foundation [U] - New and unsolved problems are often pretty hard. If we want to have any chance of making something creative, useful, and clever, then we need to be willing to attack hard problems even if it means failing a few times before we succeed.

Lesson 10: Artist: Shapes - Returning to the Artist, the puzzles in this stage are focused on drawing, combining, and dividing squares and rectangles.

Lesson 11: Spelling Bee - Part puzzle, part word search, the Spelling Bee asks students to program a bee to find common words in a grid.

Lesson 12: Getting Loopy [U] - Loops are a handy way of describing actions that repeat a certain numbers of times. In this lesson, students will practice converting sets of actions into a single loop.

Lesson 13: Maze: Loops - Building on the concept of repeating instructions from Getting Loopy, this stage will have students using loops to more efficiently traverse the maze.

Lesson 14: Bee: Loops - In the last stage students used loops to repeat simple movements. Now they're going to add to that the looping of actions in order to help the bee collect more nectar and make more honey.

Lesson 15: The Big Event [U] - Events are a great way to add variety to a pre-written algorithm. Sometimes you want your program to be able to respond to the user exactly when the user wants it to. That is what events are for.

Lesson 16: Play Lab: Create a Story - In this culminating plugged activity, students will have the opportunity to apply all of the coding skills they've learned to create an animated story. It's time to get creative and create a story in the Play Lab!

Lesson 17: Going Places Online [U] - In collaboration with Common Sense Media This lesson helps students learn that many websites ask for information that is private and discusses how to responsibly handle such requests. Students also find out that they can go to exciting places online, but they need to follow certain rules to remain safe.

Lesson 18: Artist: Loops - Returning to the artist, students learn to draw more complex images by looping simple sequences of instructions.